Thursday, August 13, 2009


Many thanks to those who speculated or prophesied that my next post would appear on December 20th of God knows what year. Been somewhat busy enjoying the pathetic excuse of a semester break that I had for the past few weeks. Results for the previous sem were the best I've had so far (Nick pls refrain from commenting on this :)) I've officially entered my final year of study. To some, the final year of study is a dread as working life means bidding those days of slacking goodbye. I personally cannot wait to earn my 4 figure paycheck. Sad eh? The most I've ever had was 3 figures. Underqualified and underpaid I was...NOT AFTER THIS YEAR I'M NOT :D (I hope)

The subjects I'm taking are mostly finance based this time round and in all previous semesters I've had, this is the one where I actually fear for my studies. Yes, I know studying is a breeze and I agree. The unpleasant part of it is the lecturer's expectations this time round. Not to mention requirements of pin-drop silence in some classes to the doing away of Malaysian 'rubber time' for other classes (no coming in late lah). Even my anticipated 'easiest' subject of Public Relations 2 is proving to be a handful.

That said, when fear takes over, fun takes the back seat. I see less of her this semester. I've been going out very little this time round. I eat unhealthily as more instant food is consumed. I'm gaining weight and a speare tyre because of that. I would have failed to keep my semester goals of having good results and good health if I lived like that. A vicious cycle that contradicts each other. Studying hard gives you bad health. Not studying gives you a sore butt and ears at the end of the semester. The plus side to this? More money to spend

By toys I mean this:

The not so new Sony Ericsson C510. As you all may or may not know, I lost my old phone which was an SE K550i. It was a decent performer although the buttons were rubbish. It had a satisfactory camera which I doubt would satisfy my need for a higher quality image while capturing photos. Hence, we have the poor student's knight in shining armor; the SE C510. Costing a little over 500 bucks, it comes with a 3.2 megapixel camera. The youngest sibling of the latest line of Cybershot phones by SE. Big buttons to text comfortably. Big screen to go easy on a ageing eyes.

It sucks having classes till 5 on a Friday. With this, signing off for now. Cheerio.